Search term: "egypt"

Showing 26 Results:

Connecting Some Ancient Dots......

  1. An Egyptian pyramid is on the back of the US $1 bill........yet people still can't connect the ancient dots and that's understandable.   2. There's an Egyptian obelisk in the US capitol called The Washington Monument.....yet very few people ever think about why an ancient ...

The Formation of a Death Cult Society - Part II

I never wanted to make this idea into a series of articles but frankly, once you understand this death cult concept, the world certainly starts to make much more a very evil way of course. If you haven't read the first article, I do suggest reading it before you proceed. Please cli...

The Formation of a Death Cult Society

What is a death cult society? Could you even recognize that you live within a death cult, if that happened to be the case? If death cult traditions and rituals were normalized in your culture, could that normalization inhibit you from analyzing those death cult traditions in a rational or logical...

14 Questions About Hamas Attacking Israel

I have summarized everything talked about below, in one article, which you can find by clicking here. In that article there are cited links, which provide evidence as to why these questions exist. Frankly, within only days........myself and most others around the world, understood that something...

The Ancient History of Who's Pulling The Strings In Our Modern World

This will be more of a video expose but trust me, you'll find it very interesting. And it won't take too long to get my main point across. The main point today is always the same as my prior 3000 plus articles. You need to start asking more questions about our current world affairs in order to un...

Is Our Civilization A Bee Farm?

I don't really think this will be a concept so farfetched that people won't grasp it. Actually, I think everyone reading this will catch on very quickly. This is a very important and eye-opening idea to consider, in regards to how our society is run and where the original idea came from. Before I...

Sirius XM Radio Is A Prime Example of Egyptian Symbology In Our Modern World...

  My Egyptian interview comes out tomorrow, where I recounted much of what I know about ancient Egyptian Pharaoh's, the current issues we're having, the UK Royal Family and the ancient Egyptian symbolism in New York City and Washington DC. Yesterday I also completed what I believe is t...

The Ancient Egyptian How To Manual For Raising The Dead

Ancient Egyptians were obsessed with raising the dead. Ancient Egyptians (especially their Royality) didn't want to die. They didn't like the natural design of this realm and they always sought to override it. The religious leaders in ancient Egypt wanted many things to become inverted, up to a...

Mind Control In The Music Industry

  If you study mind control (like I've been doing for 15 years), nothing normal ever looks normal. The human mind is proven to be able to read words backwards, see smaller words inside other bigger words and react to symbols, patterns and themes more than the real...

Word Magic, Sirius Radio And Ancient Egypt

Sirius is the star that Egyptians honored above most others. Today, our society is awash in Egyptian iconography and symbology simply because historical records trace our current rulers all the way back into ancient Egypt. It's not just the philosophy of rule that is currently here in our modern ...


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