Avian Bird Flu Report

May 07, 2024

I'm going to make this nice and simple. This place where we all live.....it's not really what we've been told it is and it isn't run by the people or forces we've been taught it's run by. Regardless of what you think of that opening statement....we can all agree that something dark, evil and sinister is afoot. That we can all agree on. 

There's lots of older hype about the bird flu pandemic as being the big one, as can be seen in this short 1 minute clip from 2 years ago. Many corrupt state governments in the US are now getting in on the media con and fake testing, doing their part in the next psychological operation to steal everything the public owns.......under the cloak of an emergency that they purposely script, just like any other Hollywood movie production. Lights, camera, action.......can the movie magicians trick the public again? The soulless actors in media and government have already signed their generous big budget acting contracts. And the public's ready to play their role as purposely sedated, distracted and immensely dumbed down mouth breathing TV watchers. Will it all go down again? I don't know but here's some good information below, if it tries to get off the ground.

Now if you personally can't see that something extremely dark is afoot so far, up to and including tricking people to inject poison into themselves and their own children en masee, via very simple psychological operations over the past 4 years............please stop reading right here. If you're that person, who still believes that nothing odd is happening and that what's called the government takes our money to protect us and keep us safe, again..........don't read any further, you just won't understand what's written here because your "basic understanding skills" are absent unfortunately. And that's perfectly OK.

If you're too afraid to change direction, change your mind or you're just too afraid to face reality.......I understand that completely. I understand fear inside and out, as my occupation is based on researching fear, researching what fear does to the human mind and researching why fearful humans are easier to control, govern, manipulate and euthanize. I've given talks at The US Senate, at the Romanian Palace of Parliament, The EU Parliament and at CPAC (in a breakout room) in Washington DC as well.........all on this very topic. People too afraid to face evil have acted as evil's food source throughout history. Fearful adults (who act like children) also doom many other moral people as well, as their weakness and cowardice simply calls evil closer and closer to the village. 

It won't matter if someone is genuinely ignorant at this point (not smart enough to comprehend what's going on) or if someone is under pay cheque mind control, where their monthly income is tied to believing lies as truth, the same suggestion applies...........move on, get back to the coffee shop and pull your lawn chair up for the greatest show on earth called Fake Pandemic II. That movie of course will be followed up by the newly anticipated thrillers...... Grand Theft Freedom 2024 and We're Killing You To Keep You Safe. Anyone not understanding what's happening will be willing extras in these 2 blockbuster hits in late 2024 and moving into 2025. Better you than me..........as the saying goes. Best of luck. Tell Satan I said hello but also tell him........"nice try, not today, not ever, nice try though."  

Although that's a rough way to open an article, I'm still hoping this fake bird flu pandemic psy-op doesn't get out of the gate. This psy-op isn't a guarantee but if you know the way this ancient group of death cult black magicians' role, they're certainly stacking the deck to get a fake bird flu pandemic parading down main street.

Let's get on with this 25-point list so people can understand exactly what's happening. But let's be honest, what's really happening isn't too complex to grasp at this point in time....for anyone who still has 2 living brain cells left to rub together. This 25-point list will also include information that can help anyone sidestep this potential attack and actually come out the other side in a much better situation, although you'll be a little mentally shaken up and psychically worse for wear as you emerge......but that's better than the alternative. 

Consider yourself lucky as many people still think that the TV isn't a hypno-programming mind control box, invented for that exact purpose. Also remember one other thing during the next socially engineered and propaganda-based crisis........when you're getting chased by a bear, you don't have to run faster than the bear, you just have to run faster than the person next to you. Saying that, if the person next to you is someone you love and care for, you're going to have to kill that bear (and it's your moral right and duty to do so, regardless of what uniform that bear is wearing) which puts many lazy, unmotivated, weak, coffee drinking, wine guzzling, overweight, diseased and mind-controlled city folks at a measurable disadvantage. Most people today haven't killed anything in their lives other than the dance floor during last call, a 24 pack of Bud or a 40 ouncer of Jim Beam. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this group of ancient ruling families (who are masquerading as your world governments) have made most people fat, stupid, weak, broke and afraid of guns for a reason. That reason will become painfully obvious, if not being painfully obvious already. It's time to get moving in the right direction and it's time to move quickly. Here's your 25-point action and information list.

1. COVID was a psy-op on all fronts, no exceptions - here's over 100 documentaries to prove it.

2. This new potential attack will be a very similar script, so keep all the lessons you've learned over the last 4 years at the ready.

3. The long-term care homes for seniors were high value target kill zones during the last staged nodemic - so either get anyone you love out of these homes, or get in there now and start laying down the law regarding shots, isolation, food etc etc. Remove all permissions for shots immediately and tell these obedient order followers that if they isolate your loved ones again or inject them with poison, that you will be there to interfere by any means necessary.

4. The hospitals were also high value target kill zones during the last lie-ahria propaganda event, so stay out of there always. For the love of God, stay out of hospitals, unless you're in an acute care emergency. Between remdesivir, the shots, DNR's (do not resuscitate orders), midazolam, morphine, end of life pathways, the ventilators and massive payouts to hospitals for murdering their patients using any of the aforementioned weapons.......the standards of care protocols were set to kill anyone who entered the hospital looking for medical assistance or even looking for directions to somewhere else down the road. If you go in, there's a massive chance you won't come out. If you dare go anywhere near a hospital after this new potential fake pandemic is launched, get your affairs in order and pick the color of your body bag prior to entering....in order to save your family some effort during your journey off the planet.

5. Government workers will be high value targets as well, as they were in the last fabricated no-demic. This is because the governments (ancient ruling families) have stolen all the pension money for themselves, so obviously the people who are owed that money need to be removed post haste. The SCARF psychological manipulation ladder will be unpacked again, which means the fine art of removing a person's stability and identity (in order to destabilize them mentally)....so that they take the injection of poison to re-establish their routine, their identity and their stability. The SCARF method is a very simple application of what internal and invisible motivations make a human tick. The people in charge use this psychological sleight of hand to manipulate people to blast themselves off the planet or to at least sterilize/injure them with the fake COVID vaccine.....maybe soon to be a fake avian flu vaccine.

6. Truth telling social media pages have all been censored and shadow banned quickly over the last 7 days alone, in anticipation of this potential no-demic swine flu attack on the public. Get on my email list by emailing [email protected] and if you follow anyone else for pertinent information, get on their private email lists immediately, as we will all most likely be censored and removed in short order. All you'll get moving forward, after this swine flu psy-op is potentially launched, will be the one-party song in unison, across all media channels......as the vast majority of mind control is based on group pressure and the repetitive messaging that group pressure reflects in the subconscious mind. 

7. If you don't know what the Pandemic Treaty is or The Amendments of The International Health Regulations are.......click here for your 3-minute explanation. This Avian/Swine/Cow/All Animals Flu no-demic lie-ahria is ramping up now to potentially coincide with these two policy/country takeover attempts of all world governments. If these policies get passed by our ignorant and corrupt politicians.....all hell will break loose after June 1st, which is their official signing deadline date. In short, these two policy papers give the satano-communists at The WHO and The WEF full access to everything you own and these two policies also remove all your rights simultaneously, in order that this ancient crime syndicate "fight" fake pandemics worldwide that they make up out of thin air. What this means is simple......if they need to take your kids (because they're fake infected), steal everything in your bank account (to help buy fake vaccines for third world countries), shut down the grocery stores in your area because the food is "fake infected", bulldoze your house because you all tested positive for a virus that doesn't exist with a fake test that tests for nothing, tell you to never leave your house again in order to fight a fake climate change emergency, shut down your job to save the planet, make you eat bugs to save the planet, tell you that you need to die to save the planet or even quarantine you in the hospital and treat you with euthanasia based "health" protocols (after they declare a fake pandemic).....then that's exactly what they're allowed to do. The fake avian flu issue is tied directly to The WHO and THE WEF's power grabs through the Pandemic Treaty and The Amendments to The International Health Regulations. 

8. Obviously this ancient crime syndicate are targeting the food supply with calorie restriction and saturated fat/protein restriction as well.  The same group did this with Mao, Stalin and many others as well......telling the population repeatedly that the farmers were the enemies of the people. Same group, same play book, same agenda. The vast majority of humans need saturated fats and animal protein to stay healthy physically and especially to maintain the integrity of their brain tissue. Start stock piling grass fed beef and saturated fat options immediately....like grass fed raw butter, organic coconut oil, free range poultry or organic poultry, coconut butter and other pasture raised meat. Never forget that brain damage is one of their primary weapons that lubricates their other agendas. There are also firm chemical reasons (regarding brain damage) that they want the public eating crickets. Also stock up on organic pasture raised protein powders like the one at this link to maintain maximum tissue integrity. If you think this evil and dark group is pushing a vegan agenda because they care about you, care about animals or because they want to save the planet.......please refer to point #4 above regarding the body bag you need to arrange for yourself.

9. As soon as this next potential fake crisis starts biting in, the stock market will fall right off the table, which is your cue to start buying up undervalued stocks and other preferred assets with any disposable income you may have. Buy food first and investments second, in that order. This will also be the time to back the truck up with gold, silver, choice crypto currencies and even real estate.....but only if you have that sort of disposable income. I teach these positioning strategies in all my programs, which you learn about by clicking here for the adult program and clicking here for my new youth program, ages 13-22. Yes, the people in charge hoard their cash until they purposely crash the market, in order to buy up all the troubled assets at bottom dollar. I suggest you do the same and ride the disaster wave they've created......but use the money and profit realized to secure the health and wellbeing of your family members and loved ones. For people who love poverty and believe money is the root of all evil, please understand that your lack of abundance and your love of struggle have been programmed into you purposely by the same group attacking you with needles full of poison.

10. Food inflation will go through the roof (if this new fake crisis is ramped up), as the money printing will start rapid fire once again. (ruling families looting the treasury, in order to bankrupt most nations on earth, in order to achieve their dark, ugly and inverted goals) So if you just have some minor savings, please start buying food items and personal care products that you routinely use right now, to last you 3-12 months. The cost of these items will go up at least 50% in the 12-month period, following a nodemic declaration by corrupt authority figures.. 

11. If you have a trip booked that includes car rental, flights, hotels etc........make sure they are fully refundable within a certain number of days before your trip begins. 

12. This is not financial advice, but it would be wise to consider selling stock positions into cash, as that's exactly what the ruling group will be doing just before this all potentially goes down. If you want to wait a bit, keep an eye on the Pandemic Treaty or the Amendment to the IHR's. If those get through within your fake country, all run by the same corrupt group, I would definitely hit the sell button and keep higher cash reserves to purchase high value assets after the potentially crash. This also applies to crypto but again this isn't financial advice. It's just a consideration. I believe all assets will fall off the table in the staged panic and that will provide a small window of opportunity to purchase choice mining stocks, choice crypto currencies, discounted real estate and hard asset gold/silver etc......at fire sale prices. I review all these strategies and picks in my programs because financial strength is something each person on the planet needs to fortify. 

13. If you have US currency, you will see the value of US currency skyrocket during a very brief window, as massive sell offs in asset markets always inflate the US dollar value. I imagine that for a very brief period, during the mass sell off (if a fake bird flu pandemic is declared), a US 1 dollar bill will be worth as much as $1.50 CAD for example. At that point, convert your US currency to your native currency and rapidly migrate that cash into high value asset purchases.......as cash itself will become problematic to hold shortly after. Push your cash into assets that maintain value and then move that value out back into spendable cash equivalents, when the crisis has passed. If you don't do this, your cash on hand may be worth nothing more than the paper it's printed on. You don't have to worry about this if you live cheque to cheque.....just if you have cash in your house or cash in a bank account or cash in other accounts. 

14. Go dark and take the bull's eye off your back during the initial stages of this next psy-op,  if is occurs. All governments around the world have feathered their satano-communist beds with censorship laws and untold powers in this area of tyrannical rule.....while everyone was watching TV, drinking booze, smoking weed, masturbating and going about their regular business over the last 3 years. You did your best to wake people up but if you understand this group like I do, it's now time to protect yourself, as the NWO wolf goes door to door feeding on the blood of the TV watching mouth breathers. That's if another fake pandemic is declared. If not, continue the meme and information war like before. Many of the left leaning borg vaccine loving zombies are so obsessed with dying by medical crucifixion, they'll even enthusiastically kill you if you happen to step between them and their vaccine induced stairway to heaven. Holster your sword and sit this one out (if another fake pandemic is declared), just until you get a better lay of the land. Figure yourself out first and then move ahead to save others. For now, go dark for a bit until you gather more information. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight, it never works out. Figure out what you're up against and gather intel first before acting. You're of no help to anyone dead, bankrupt or locked up. 

15. If you go dark, then what? Pivot your efforts into anything that still uplifts your fellow human, without placing a bull's eye on your back..........like business mentoring, life coaching, betterment coaching, exercise, nutrition, motivational speaking, prepping, homesteading, gardening, helping people reconnect with their inner power in every way imaginable etc etc. This way you can still conduct the art of making people stronger, without getting the wolf's immediate attention. 

16. There are also ways to withdraw your forced funding of the systems that enslaves you. This is essential information for people who want to maintain and grow their wealth, while cutting off the food supply to the dragons burning down their towns. There are also financial modifications that aren't common knowledge in the public realm, regarding bank accounts or options to protect your wealth from these ancient and dark ruling groups. Again, I teach these in my courses and programs, so that additional options are on the table......as we all dodge, duck and dive away from the dragon's fiery assaults. 

17. You will indeed once again see family members and friends lining up for the avian bird flu jab and then dying and then blaming you if they get sick....after they inject poison into themselves and their kids etc. You will hear Joe and Jane Coffee Shop declare that their sickness would have been much worse if they didn't inject the poison into themselves. SADS will explode again......sudden adult death syndrome and SIDS as well. The CIA backed media will call it a pandemic of the unvaccinated once again. The same group will fix the testing, fabricate the fear-based propaganda and they may even go so far as to advertise that all the mysterious deaths (from the injected poison but blamed on a fake virus) are good to help with various climate concerns, which are all fake as well. Again, you did the best you could. Watch yourself inside this one, if it goes down, everything will be turned up to 11, including the attack on anyone not marching lockstep right into the volcano. Let the others jump into the sacrificial volcano, as you quietly back away into the jungle without notice or fanfare.

18. Make sure to arrange for grocery delivery, in order to keep your emotional stability and in order to keep contact with the brainwashed masses to a minimum. If you do venture out, make sure you know how to speak zombie. Zombies like feeling safe and they also like the phrase safe and effective. They also like to feel like heroes for doing exactly as they're told because their souls left them long ago. Call them heroes and brilliant scientists because calling them cowards or sheep just makes them angry. 

19. If you haven't started your own business, now is a good time as ever, which I teach in my programs. It's important not to be looking down the barrel of a gun with work mandates again. I've been teaching people how to get into business since the first nodemic was launched. More people should have been working on starting their business of course, but many got comfortable inside the government approved pleasure zones. Saying that, starting today is always the best idea.

20. Having different residencies and VISA travel options are also a good idea, which again I talk about often in all my programs. New digital nomad VISA's are now available in most countries in the world. Sometimes it's better to get the full lay of the land, in many different countries, to see what's happening with your own 2 eyes....before making big moves that will have a major impact on your life. 

21. Make sure you understand that viruses don't exist and never have. I know that's a tall order, even for many people in the truth movement. Click here, here and here to start understanding why that's the case. It's all one big stage production. Yes, people will get sick but they've always been sick. Yes, people will die prematurely but they've been dying prematurely for a long time and there's a reason for that......which has nothing to do with invisible threats to your health. Sure, people will die quickly after their jabs......but it's poison, it's not viruses. They want you believing that something invisible is killing you, so you don't understand that something visible is killing you. If you focus on the invisible, you don't see the visible poisons making you sick. The abundance of sickness and all the premature death......it's all real........but it's poison. It was never viruses. You have one chance to wrap your head around this, so come up to speed as quick as you can. This old group wants the animals dead, they want you dead, they want everyone dead.......so they can steal your property. It's not hard to understand, it's just hard to believe because of the mind control they have everyone under. When the killers tell you that they're here to help, it's very confusing. Real viral pandemics don't need propaganda, fake death certificates, hospital protocols that kill, hospital bonuses for killing patients, tabletop exercises organized month's prior, mass incentives to inject poison into yourself. fake testing protocols and deaths in only the people who injected poison into themselves. Use your head, as that's what they fear most.

22. Learn how to eat healthy, which I also teach, so you maintain your physical strength. 

23. Learn how to exercise safely for improved strength and functionality, which I also teach. 

24. Learn how to maintain your 5 key pillars of strength, which are..........your physical pillar, your intellectual pillar, your financial pillar, your emotional pillar and your spiritual pillar. And yes, that's my system. I teach this for a reason.....because it's the only thing that counts in any crisis, regardless of what that crisis is. One program for adults and one for youth, ages 13-22.

25. As for your children in school, let them know that if the schools ever try to lockdown, fake test or scare the children purposely....that they'll need to remove themselves from school immediately. My daughter has done this throughout her high school career. When she smells anything fishy going on inside the government brainwashing camp, she's out the door and straight home. My daughter also knows that if this new lie-based attack is launched while she's attending University, she's to get off the school grounds immediately, find a safe haven away from the borg gov-loving media zombies and get to her hometown (around loved ones) immediately. She knows that if anything like this happens, school is over for that semester or year or forever PERIOD. Most parents will sacrifice their children with masking, fatal vaccines and slave like rituals........in order to keep this slave system alive for future generations, guaranteeing their children's lifelong misery inside the slave system. Those parents will complain later as well when their children are injured or if their kids unfortunately pass away after the shots, which is getting very common these days.  At that point, complaining and crying doesn't matter. Protect your kids when they're alive, not when they're dead or injured. 

There are more basic coping strategies that I'll write about in the near future. For now, these are a good start. Let's stay in touch privately, on my private email system. Again, if you're reading this and you're not on my private email list, please email my team at [email protected]. Stay strong in the 5 pillar areas and you'll come out the other side of this with lots of upside. God didn't put us here on the earth to take a vacation. Many people forget that and that's why we're in this mess. Moving ahead will take strength, effort, vision and leadership. All those amazing traits are already inside of you. Now it's the time to let them all rise to the surface.  


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