Why It's Important To Open A Business This Year And How To Do It

Apr 23, 2024

When the evil attacked us using the fake COVID pandemic in 2020, it was obvious that financial weakness was something that evil was going to take advantage of. It wasn't just a person's intellectual or spiritual weakness that was going to be weaponized against them in 2020, financial weakness was also going to be heavily weaponized against the collective as well.

Subprime interest rates (or prime plus almost nothing interest rates) were used purposely as bait, in the 15 years prior to the 2020 attack. These cheap bank loans acted as the proverbial cheese, which attracted the uninformed mice into this historic mouse trap, doing exactly as these loans were designed to do..........to get most government staffers and many other salaried employees living cheque to cheque, where even the most minor financial hiccup would set their entire financial house of cards tumbling. This attack by evil was planned long in advance, as the videos in this new article can attest to. 

This is why many people caved into taking the fake COVID vaccines, because they were financially weak. When this premanufactured mouse trap was sprung via the preplanned threat "inject the poison or lose your income plus find disapproval with the perceived authority figure or tribe etc."......many walked willingly into the iron grip of the tyrant because they didn't have enough financial strength to protect themselves against the evil system.

I teach an overall defense strategy called THE 5 PILLARS OF STRENGTH. All 5 pillars are extremely important as defense, inside any attack from evil. These 5 pillars of strength (in order of priority) are physical, intellectual, financial, emotional and spiritual. Combined, these 5 pillars of strength are extremely hard for evil to penetrate. What I teach looks like a self-improvement program but it's much more than that. My programs include ancient knowledge, wrapped in modern terms, which can help each citizen learn to identify and protect themselves from evil infiltration.  

What I do within all my programs is teach people not only how to build and fortify their foundational physical strength pillar (their health), I teach them shortly after how to manufacture their financial strength pillar. Operating your own business, in order that you sidestep the next evil attack, needs to be a high priority in everyone's life right now. Saying that, I also understand that the government school system was designed purposely for job focus and complete dependence on the control system. Most people have zero knowledge about business and are absent of what's called "a business mindset". All of this was done on purpose of course, through the government obedience slave training camp, so that the slave class could never find their financial pillar of strength. The dark vampire like control system that surrounds us is all about making its prey as weak as possible, before these preplanned attacks by evil are executed in real time, in order that evil appears strong and hard to defend against. If we're so weak that a strong breeze can blow us over and collapse our defenses, of course evil can have its way with us...... which is exactly the way evil wants it. 

If you click here or here ..... you can explore two of my past students and the new businesses they've started after my mentorship.

In the end, I've tailored my programs to equip people with what they need to stand evil down and even push back upon that evil.... with the ultimate resistance plan. I only teach these programs 4 times per year. One of these times is coming up fast. MY POWER IN YOU PROGRAMS are now ready to take on new students who want to overcome their own self sabotage and develop their 5 PILLARS OF STRENGTH defense plan. I have one offering for adults and another brand-new offering for youth, ages 13-22. Click here to explore the adult offering. Click here to explore the youth offering. I will see you on opening day, which is coming up fast. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]


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