Business Ideas For Disorganized, Messy and Addicted People

Apr 24, 2024

I used to have many addictions that were self-destructive, so I simply switched them to addictions that were self-empowering. I'm still an addict of sorts.....I'm just addicted to being happy, healthy, wealthy and wise now. I had a choice to make in my life and I made it. 

I realized early in my twenties that I really liked to work hard. I was killing myself (and working hard to kill myself) with cocaine, alcohol, steroids, junk food and bad company. I recognized that I was depressed and that I was basically trying to exit this world, without admitting to myself that this is what I was really doing. I then had a brilliant idea or so I thought. I would keep working hard but I would work hard at becoming abundant and healthy, instead of working around the clock trying to die a premature and painful death.
It was the best deal I could make with myself at the time, even though it still had some very dark aspects to it. It was the first and only step I could muster, out of the nightmare that I had created for myself. I had to make a switch, but I was also extremely self-destructive, so my continued self-abuse (inside new health and success addictions) was the best idea I had. It all sounded much better than my regular self-abuse campaigns with drugs, alcohol and steroids......that were destroying my life. 
As I quit each addiction in succession, I would post articles explaining how I was winning the battle. I would also document my drawbacks and new falls from grace. People really enjoyed the victories and the defeats, the human aspects of the entire journey.  It's about progress, never perfection. Regardless, step by step, I got closer and closer to the best version of myself, day in and day out.
It was the height of the mountain I climbed that really got people's attention. From living at rock bottom for many years, all the way to speaking about psychological reprogramming and mind control at the US Senate, The EU Parliament and The Romanian Palace of the Parliament etc. This gave viewers hope that getting out of a bad situation and building a better life was completely possible......because I did it and I was just a regular messy media/gov mind-controlled guy from Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, who turned his whole life around pretty quickly. 
I also realized that the messier someone is and the farther they travel up success mountain, the more exciting their story of recovery is for anyone watching. The lower the low and the higher the high......the greater the story and the more potential that story holds for changing other people's lives. (via the positive example) What this meant in reality was that the more screwed up a person was to start....the greater leadership potential they held to teach others that recovery was indeed possible. 
I made a very quick calculation in my mental calculator and discovered a truth hidden in plain sight. Most people today are very messy, which means their recovery stories could actually serve as the foundation for their first successful business venture, if they would only dedicate to my very simple recovery principles. By learning how to recover, they could not only leave their life of misery and pain behind, but they could also start their first business, teaching others how to follow their lead. 
Where are your addictions bringing you in life? Are they bringing you to the top or are they bringing you right to rock bottom? Maybe it's time to not only start your recovery, but maybe it's also time you learn how to turn your recovery (and your past messy painful life/new amazing life cycle) into a very successful business venture.
I teach many things in my programs. One aspect of all my programs is teaching people who are addicted to disaster, how to become addicted to betterment. I've done this already and my principles are extremely effective, affordable and rapid. Anyone can do it. Are you monetizing your current life of misery in a way where you climb out of that pain and lead the way for others? Something to think about. Turn your shit into your shine and let go of your troubled past. Only good things will happen if you do. Let me show you how. I'm offering an adult version of this program and a youth version as well. Click here to learn about the adult version. Click here to learn more about the youth version, ages 13-22. See you on opening day. If you're a complete mess, the more success potential you hold. That's the truth and the truth can set you free. 


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