The Universal Casino of Life and The Pain Teacher....

Apr 14, 2023
The universal casino of life only pays out the big jackpots when you're authentic, when you do the good work and when you do your part. That good work has to be done on self first and then you can teach others, only after you've learned your lessons.
Two days ago the pain teacher paid me a visit. I said to the pain teacher on my doorstep, "I thought I already dealt with this my old friend?" and the pain teacher said,  "sorry, you missed a couple of painful items to learn from". So instead of slamming the door and ignoring the pain teacher with sedative substances or distractive rituals (porn, weed, booze, caffeine, watching the tube, drugs, working out, diving into more work, scrolling social media, having sex, flirting, running to the comfort of others, shopping etc).......I just said, "hey old friend come on in, what's the lesson, where do I need to grow now, let me get you some clean spring water, have a seat, welcome, it's been a long time, it's good to see you again, it's nice to have old friends drop by, take your time, I have all night."
It got a little ugly pretty quickly because I forgot how to deal with the pain teacher because he had visited so infrequently over the past year. It was like opening a blast furnace door. It was hot but I stood in the heat and let the fire consume me. I wanted to run but I know the benefit of standing my ground when faced with life's challenges. It was a hot one, massive headache came on, fatigue, some self doubt and I found myself knocked to the ground in the fetal the pain rose up to leave my body but only after it delivered its message. And then it was gone, That's the beauty of allowing the pain to enter you, in order that you learn the lesson. It leaves you if you're brave enough to hear the message. Just when I thought I would never make it through to the other side, the pain was gone.
If you run, the pain runs after you. If you sedate, the pain stays trapped inside of you. If you run and sedate, you stay living as the forever child because you never grow and evolve the way nature intended. I then prayed and contacted my inner circle to pray with me and to offer their advice. Oh great spirit, give me the strength to learn this lesson and leave me stronger for it. The next day (today) the universal casino does what it always does when you face your fear and grow in bravery. It sent the big pay out. Amazing.......just like clock work. Never run from your pain, let the pain teacher in, stay clean, hear the message, something is watching, something wants you to win, something is on your side. This process is as guaranteed as the sun rising and setting. That thing that loves you knows what you need but it will only give you what you need when you do your part in the healing.


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