A Short Story of Erectile Dysfunction And Making It All Better

Apr 06, 2024
As an overcoming self-sabotage coach, I'm well aware that the way the body does one thing is the way it usually does everything. Our programming usually wins the day and our programming is part of the primary operating system inside the body, also known as "zombie mode". The body likes to be as efficient as possible in regards to energy spent throughout the day. Our programs are often the most efficient way to  run things energy wise, because they are paved highways inside our nervous system. Existing programs can be cued up in milliseconds and thinking is kept to a minimum when old programs operate without resistance or rational analysis. The man in question had a program that he was running throughout his life, to navigate his time here on the planet and all this was unknown to him. One of his programs (which influenced every cell in his body) was DON'T STAND UP. He didn't stand up to his boss, he didn't stand up to his girlfriend, he didn't stand up to his parents, he didn't stand up to his criminal government etc etc. He rarely stood up to anyone. He was a perpetual people pleaser but he didn't understand that his body is always listening, even his penis. He couldn't stand up in the bedroom either, or at least his penis wouldn't...because our programs are much more powerful than we would ever believe.
Our zombie mode programs affect us in ways that we could never imagine. So his coach simply looked over his file and said, "if you want to stand up in the bedroom, you're going to have to stand up outside the bedroom....and change your patterned programming". Simple reprogramming exercises were tabled. This man (who couldn't stand) thought it was all crazy at first. He started to stand up logically and rationally to others, for the first time in his life. In the end (to his delight) he was able to stand up when it mattered, inside the bedroom....because his cells heard, "it's safe to stand up" and that "standing firm" was the new rule to live by. The way we do one thing is the way we do everything. These programs are more powerful than we're taught.


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