5 Daily Rituals of The Slave

May 19, 2023
1. Gets up and instantly puts on the radio, TV or phone.....entertains instead of educates. The slave demands instant pleasure and fun. The slave sees discipline and long-term goal attainment as painful and something that interferes with their "fun now" philosophy.
2. Gets up and quickly consumes brain damaging coffee or another caffeine product. Caffeine cuts blood flow to the brain by 40-52%. https://bit.ly/3WkzZxl You can't be anything but a  slave when your brain only gets half the blood flow and oxygen. Your employer (slave master) REALLY likes you when you only use half your brain, because you'll always be a non-threat and will rarely leave the slave camp. Caffeine makes the slave camp feel groovy. All by design. The slave camp runs on coffee, alcohol and edible poisons called medications.
3. Health is usually an afterthought, as the slave races out the door to the slave camp. The slave usually picks up some poison laced food like things for lunch or breakfast at the drive-thru poison slave outlet (if they eat breakfast at all). Most things consumed by the slave would choke a maggot but to be a good slave, you need to be weak, or you may use your extra energy and higher IQ to leave the slave camp. Health is something that can inoculate the slave against their slavery and this is why REAL health (not eating medical poison) is public enemy #1 for the people who run the slave farm.
4. As the slave enters the workplace, they need to also destroy their employer's business overtime, by playing on their phone, riding social media and generally being unproductive and screwing around when they're not being directly supervised. The slave destroys themselves and then destroys the very society they pretend to work within....and then they wonder why their entire culture is falling down. The slave destroys the best of themselves and then gets confused when the best in life doesn't come their way. The slave also gets confused as to why an entire society of millions doing the same is falling apart. Yes, millions of sick, unmotivated, infantalized, pleasure seekers can't sustain themselves culturally. Yes, I know.....a real shocker.
5, After being as unproductive as possible on a job they don't even really enjoy in the first place, the slave returns home to a host of sedative and tranquilizing rituals/chemicals like TV watching, junk food eating, vaping, smoking, rolling a J, alcohol consumption, more caffeine etc... in order for them not to feel the full sting of their shitty life. The more sedated and distracted they are, the less chance they will process the slave cycle for what it truly is and try to escape from it. The slave is given 48 hours (the weekend/the weakened) every 7 days, which could provide an opportunity to formulate a plan of action to leave the slave farm. That would take a) effort b) discipline and c) involve some minor pains associated with long term goal attainment, compared to their perpetual child based short term gratification slave cycles. To the slave, the pain involved with saying NO to short term fun and saying YES to long term goal attainment is just too much for them to handle..........so the weekends are reserved for destroying their innate human potential as Olympic sport with as many self-destructive slave rituals as they can muster. The slave hates the slave farm but hates the effort of getting out of the slave farm even more.....so they often become stuck in their stuckness.
If you want to break out of the slave cycle and actually take control of your life, in the shortest amount of time possible.......click here. https://bit.ly/3pLKsW6 


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