Podcast #158 - Jason Christoff - Blueprint for Public Destruction and Diaster Capitalism

Jagmeet Singh - paid NDP (New Democratic Party) actor, hoping to get into the big movie with the WEF - traitor of all Canadians and humans around and world - www.ndp.ca/jagmeet

Justin Trudeau (Liberal) - here's his swearing in ceremony - say no more - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykIFQsDaou8&t=89s

Dental agreement between the corrupt Liberals and NDP regarding free dental services for lower income Canadians - www.ctvnews.ca/politics/deliveri…program-1.6020247

Mercury teeth fillings - toxicity to the nth degree - mercury's official description is Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - an entire manual that describes how to kill people and enslave them without force - bit.ly/3AMmGwx

Mercury teeth fillings are a very effective weapon to kill the public slowly, without their awareness
1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ylnQ-T7oiA
2. odysee.com/@VaccineDocumentaries:6/trace-amounts:e
3. www.youtube.com/watch?v=jni5WHsKDKE
4. www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwCGoL7kmSk
5 . youtu.be/NJ7M01jV058
6. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP6IR65DjLE

No check ups or tooth brushes or nothing....and less than one cavity per person in ancient tribes who ate whole live organic NON PROCESSED FOOD - youtu.be/XPCOGSnjP5w but the killer politicians keep approving processed foods, mind control advertising of those food like things and then fill the mouths of the poor people with toxic mercury and then raise their taxes so they're paying for their own destruction

Dr. David Ayoub explains that mercury destroys fertility - a covert depopulation agenda - odysee.com/@VaxxedDoctors:c/Dr…nda-(Full-Length):5

This cult if very old, a cult that practics anti life, anti life, anti happiness and any progression belief systems - www.dailymotion.com/video/x7lc5c3 - government is the literal extension of hate in the human mind - as above so below, so below....as above.

COVID vaccines killing and crippling children........and anyone else purposely uninformed by government and media, too uninformed to understand that this is a long planned genocide of the population - healthimpactnews.com/2022/76789-dea…d-19-vaccines/

Dr Robert Malone (the man who invented mRNA technology for vaccines) issues a very dire warning regarding any child taking these COVID shots - www.brighteon.com/5e18f79d-7601-44…3b1-f6d1f09b332c

Podcast "They've Done This Before" - User-50904611 – Podcast-134-jason-christoff-have-they-done-this-before