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Health EventĀ 

Find Out Why People Loss The Weight But Struggle To Keep It Off


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Learn How to Reverse Disease

Learn How to Lose Weight, Tone Up and Reduce Cellulite

Learn How to Eat Right, Exercise and Stretch

Weight Loss And Health Self Sabotage Event & Overcoming Self-Sabotage 2020 Coaching Class

Jason Christoff is back with another recorded online event that specifically addresses the self sabotage involved with health and weight loss. Health is the foundation of all life success because you're going to need the energy that only health can provide, in order to keep pushing toward your best life. Health comes first and often that involves losing some weight to start. Many people have purchased gym memberships and never went. Many people have purchased home exercise equipment and let that equipment collect dust in the basement. Many people have started a diet, only to lose a couple of pounds and then retreat back to their old habits, their old lifestyles and their old weight. I'm here to tell you that this is all completely normal and that there's nothing wrong with you whatsoever.

Come explore the very fascinating operations of the subconscious mind and how human behavior really works. Our subconscious is there to protect us and sometimes it can get improperly programmed to believe that it's safer if we're overweight, out of shape and sick. Although it makes no sense whatsoever, it's this very interesting part of the mind (the subconscious) that's holding us back from the life we truly deserve to be living. Let Jason follow his patented formula for exploring and overcoming all self sabotage based behaviors in anyone's life.
In the first 2 hours of the presentation, Jason explains the problems regarding losing weight and health improvement. That's always entertaining and often quite humorous. Then in the second 2 hour presentation, Jason goes over the solutions. It's that easy. A 1 hour question and answer period, from the live audience (previously recorded), is also included on the back end of each recorded segment. You'll be happy you made the investment and it always comes with Jason's 60 day money back guarantee. It's time to live in our best lives. Health is the foundation of all life success, regardless of what goals we're working toward.


Screenshots from our program

Bonus Materials

  • A Health Hypnotherapy Session 
  • An Abundance Hypnotherapy Session
  • Healthy Living Guide - With Linked Educational Sources
  • +65 Healthy Recipes
  • Beauty Bowl Infogram
  • Three Day Flexibility & Workout Routine
    Metabolic Typing Test
  • Online Business Options/Ideas To Start Your "Side Hustle"
  • Positive Male Affirmations
  • Positive Female Affirmations

Early-bird Special Pricing


One-Time Payment

  • Learn why you self-sabotage your own health, success and happiness.
  • Gain valuable information on health, wealth, happiness and independence you will never find anywhere else.
  • Get personal support at anytime from Jason personally and his support team.
Secure your early-bird special

Regular Price


One-Time Payment

  • Learn why you self-sabotage your own health, success and happiness.
  • Gain valuable information on health, wealth, happiness and independence you will never find anywhere else.
  • Get personal support at anytime from Jason personally and his support team.

Program FAQ's


What Makes Jason's Programs Different?
Jason is one of the only people on the planet who clearly explains how media and government are directly involved in programming you to self sabotage your entire life, into various forms of struggle and failure. Jason's research is original and he uses real world examples that are easy to understand. You won't see any of this material offered anywhere else. This program on males follows Jason's straight talking approach and cuts to the heart of this very important issue. 

Will Jason's Information Make My Life Better?

Absolutely! It doesn't matter if you're a man, woman or a child.........this information is extremely important in order to add stability to one's life, one's home, one's spirit. one's relationship and one's community. Once you explore any of Jason's programs, your life will get better instantly as the true design of our society comes instantly into focus. Only when you know what holds you back, can you become a better version of yourself.

Are There People Who Have Already Been Successful Using Jason's Information?

Yes, Jason has an amazing track record with a full 60 day satisfaction guarantee. The guarantee is offered, yet very few people use it because they thoroughly enjoy the material and their ability to contact Jason at any time they wish. Jason's programs address the fundamental corruption across our entire society and therefore provide the perfect educational backdrop so people can start self engineering a better way to live and exist on this planet. This program will change your life for the better and not just by a little bit. By leaps and bounds. Jason guarantees it or you don't have to pay. 

Do I Get to Contact Jason If I Have Any Questions?

Absolutely! This goes without saying. This is something Jason insists on. You can reach out to Jason personally at any time with any questions you may have. Jason wants everyone to be their best and he dedicates his life to making that happen for thousands of people every year across the world.

What Problems Can This Information Solve?

This program is very upfront with what you will accomplish. You will learn how to a) exercise safely b) stretch properly c) eat healthy d) reverse disease and e) reprogram your subconscious mind so your behavior is put on health and weight loss based cruise control. It's a simple program, with a simple goal, which delivers the information you need in a simple way.

Get started today and save $270!

Get started on your path to health & weight loss with Jason's most popular program to date. Join hundreds of others and achieve the life you were meant for.

Start understanding what roadblocks have been placed in your way holding you back from living your best life and achieving success!

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