Podcast #166 - Jason Christoff - Why Is Alcohol Everywhere?

Mind control documentaries - courses.jchristoff.com/blog/mind-con…mind-control/

article on how bad alcohol is - government already know that - that's why it's on every corner - courses.jchristoff.com/blog/professo…he-government

Documentary about the dangers of TV and screen watching - vimeo.com/181100690

Canada's Healthy Drinking Guidelines so Canadians can mind control themselves into the NWO Nazi System - www.camh.ca/-/media/files/canad…-guidelines-pdf.pdf

Climate Change Is Fake - clikview.com/watch/climate-chan…CpTHWq6gIpFXL.html

Chemicals that Castrate Males In Reality and Abort Males In The Womb - odysee.com/@No_Snake_Oil:2/The-Disappearing-Male:2

Chemtrails - odysee.com/@CosmicEvent:5/Over…w-Old-world-order:d

Cell phone radiation is beyond dangerous -odysee.com/@StopTheCrime:d/For…ireless.-Not-Safe:a

Dr. John Coleman discovers the fake climate change plan 30 years ago and the plan is much older than that - odysee.com/@JustMe:05/The-Comm…ull-1994-Lecture):b

Cannabis is extremely dangerous - email if you want the PDF that used to be found at this link - taken down now of course - but i have it - file:///C:/Users/PL/Downloads/Dr.Reece%20Letter%20to%20UK%20regarding%20Cannabis.pdf

My healthy living guide -courses.jchristoff.com/blog/a-health…nal-sources-2

How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy by Paul Chek - shop.chekinstitute.com/products/how-…ve-be-healthy