Podcast #98 - Jason Christoff - 04/05/21 - THE COVID Psy-Op for Dummies

Part 1 (of 3 parts) Anthony Kools hypnosis show - https://bit.ly/3wnLGpz

Aldous Huxley explains that 30% of the population are easily placed under hypnosis with no issues what so ever - https://bit.ly/31KLClH

Proof you have no real control over your behavior - but the people who know these ancient secrets do know how to control your behavior beyond your conscious awareness

Mind control example #1 - bit.ly/2z2pt7D
Mind control example #2 - bit.ly/2Azu6GC
Mind control example #3 - bit.ly/3dDOftW
Mind control example #4 - bit.ly/2Xuq3V5
Mind control example #5 - bit.ly/2LV7fvd
Mind control example #6 - bit.ly/3ivPxKG

Movies about outbreaks over the last decade or so - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_about_viral_outbreaks

TV puts you into trance and that makes you completely suggestable - https://www.psychmechanics.com/how-tv-influences-your-mind-through/

Viruses not proven to make people sick - https://www.bitchute.com/video/r9MG7YY5CrpL/

COVID isn't even proven to exist - https://www.bitchute.com/video/rQW47EuYxfSR/

Contagion movie clip - look familiar?? - this movie was released in 2011 - https://youtu.be/Wu58RVbLcyo

Disease is never proven to spread from person to person - click on the link which takes you to an article - bit.ly/3mlRAlt the article has within in the published study - click on the study and scroll down to where it says - EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES

Documentaries and related mind control material attached. (Maybe tell people to start with "State of Mind")
Out of The Shadows - bit.ly/2IRClCz
Micheal Tsarion – Architects of Control bit.ly/2OzVM2U
Alan Watt – Cutting Through The Matrix bit.ly/2qcrNiz
Prison Planet – State of Mind – bit.ly/2QbnP91
Jerry Kroth – American Propaganda – bit.ly/2IDyJk7
Adam Curtis – The Century of Self - bit.ly/35kvaZR
Psy-War - bit.ly/2ZQrHRH
Rule from The Shadows - bit.ly/2ElvE9y
Fear and Social Control - bit.ly/3mzlOly
Manipulating of the Masses - bit.ly/3mxqyrU
Media and The Generations - bit.ly/2G6w0Bh
Mark Passio – De-Mystifying The Occult – bit.ly/2PciPPe
Scott Retsima – Media on The Brain – bit.ly/2osR64p
CIA Mind Control MK-Ultra Documentary – bit.ly/2vi2d3F
TV Mind Control Documentary – bit.ly/2zRHyRH
Tyranny and Eugenics through Public Health, Bioterrorism, and Injectable Medicine Part 3 - bit.ly/3ogxSbV
Quincy Davis – Subconscious War – bit.ly/2BefCMd
Truth SteamMedia – The Minds of Men - bit.ly/2E1CygO
Interview with Chris Everard - bit.ly/2MuPj6O
Jordan Maxwell – The Naked Truth – bit.ly/1BuOYY6
Agenda 2 The Masters of Deceit - bit.ly/3bN0vtO
They Live - https://vimeo.com/400848529
Agenda - Grinding America Down - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYVA_ukfoUI

Vaccine killing and crippling in the US - as is the design - https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/cdc-2509-deaths-following-experimental-covid-19-vaccines-now-equal-to-total-deaths-recorded-after-vaccines-for-the-past-decade/

Vaccine killing and crippling in the EU - as is the design - https://healthimpactnews.com/2021/4576-dead-199213-injuries-european-database-of-adverse-drug-reactions-for-covid-19-vaccines/

Alcohol DESTROYS you - https://soundcloud.com/user-50904611/podcast-74-jason-christoff-the-truth-about-government-and-alcohol

Coffee DESTROYS you - https://soundcloud.com/user-50904611/podcast-39-jason-christoff-top-5-diseases-caused-by-coffee-and-caffeine

The COVID test doesn't test for COVID - https://jchristoff.com/covid-test-doesnt-test-for-covid/

Government and media lying to public about public PROVEN - https://jchristoff.com/government-and-media-proven-to-be-lying-to-public-about-covid-pandemic/