Podcast #102 - Jason Christoff- Alcohol Selfies And The Psychology of Feeling Safer as a Non Threat

5 medical doctors describe COIVD vaccine as bioweapon - bit.ly/2PN8ezz

Medical doctors explaining what happened in animal studies for past COVID vaccine attempts and what's coming for people potentially who have already been vaccinated - bit.ly/3leKC25 and bit.ly/3bLVVM5 and bit.ly/3lh7spB and - bit.ly/3cuOzLV and bit.ly/3tk6trD and bit.ly/3c1mEnT

The extreme dangers of alcohol - vlog - your government and media are lying to you - https://odysee.com/@JasonChristoff:7/alcohol-makes-you-fat-dumb-and-sick:d

The extreme dangers of alcohol - podcast - https://soundcloud.com/user-50904611/podcast-74-jason-christoff-the-truth-about-government-and-alcohol

Vaccine deaths in US - bit.ly/3gWxcrn

Vaccine deaths in EU - bit.ly/2QSxWDd