How Is Canada's Economy Faring Compared to Others? Sep 01, 2023


Economists from around the world know the truth about Canada's economy. Canada's economy is the weakest out of most developed nations. Pensions promised to seniors and government employees aren't there. Those false promises were made purposely, to keep...

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David Icke Intro for Interview #1 on The Jason Christoff Podcast Aug 29, 2023

Tuesday Aug 29th 2023

Today on my brand-new podcast, I will interview David Icke as guest #1. I am focusing on mind control experts for the first 15-20 guests on the show. After that I hope to have enough footage to finally put together my first documentary called ...

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Are You The Manchurian Candidate? Aug 27, 2023

In 2004 there was a movie called The Manchurian Candidate with Denzel Washington. It was an expansion on an old idea where a person could be placed under mind control with dormant programming. This dormant mind control programming could be activated by a "trigger"...

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EVIL-nomics and The Rise of A Death Centric Society Aug 25, 2023

Look out the window. Do you see anything evil? The word "evil" is actually the word "live" spelled backwards. While we're at it, the word "devil" is the word "lived" spelled backwards. For anyone not understanding why the words EVIL and DEVIL exist in our language,...

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Are They Going To Attack Again? Aug 22, 2023

We've all seen Alex Jones over the weekend talk about his conversation with the US TSA agents, regarding the masks coming back into play in mid September, in order to trigger the trauma bonding with the narrative and the tyrannical government once more.  As...

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Tonight with my daughter, we talked about what 666 means. I explained to her that most free masonic code revolves around single digit numbers. For example 666 isn’t 666. 666 represents the sum of 6+6+6 which is 18 and again it’s not a single number yet....

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Mind Control In The Music Industry Aug 19, 2023

Now before we begin, let's get it out of the way that words can change your behavior and make you act in very predictable ways. I have two videos for you below, which prove this claim with ease. First we have a great video from Justin Williams, from his show Magic...

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Word Magic And How It's Used Against You Aug 17, 2023
A confused mind is easier to mind control because a confused mind shuts down rational and logical thought processes. A mind that shuts down rational and logical thought processes (because it's confused) transfers care and control of the behavior system over to...
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Illuminati Movie Review - Heart of Stone with Gal Gadot Aug 14, 2023

For everyone out there who doesn't understand that what you see and what you hear can change your behavior, please get familiar with the two videos listed below, which prove concretely that what you hear and what you see can indeed change your behaviors instantly....

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3 Historical Keys To The 2020 Con Job Aug 12, 2023

There are key foundational cornerstones to all the societal cons throughout history. Those key foundational cornerstones were also involved in setting the public up for the CON of 2020, which now appears to have ended with nearly 700,000 US citizens alone murdered by...

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10 Things I've Learned Over The Last 3.5 Years Aug 11, 2023
1. I've learned that large amounts of personal wealth do not equate to knowledge, regarding how this world really works.
2. I've learned that people have become so cozy inside their comfort comas, it has inhibited their natural maturation process out of an...
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10 Things My Old Man Self Would Say To My Young Man Self - If We Ever Met Aug 09, 2023
1. Don't watch TV or movies. They're purposely designed to program your mind with negative repetitive content, proven to hack the subconscious behavior system. The movies and TV shows are hand crafted to provide feminizing and dis-empowering role...
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